Thursday, May 31, 2012

Research Based Peace

Hello again! So I decided that knowledge really can be power and went on the hunt for what lies ahead on my path in life, mainly the c-section.  I've always heard stories of how other women tend to prefer c-sections over vaginal births supposedly because it's not as painful and there's supposed to be a quicker recovery. So I hadn't really been bugged when I was told that I was going to undergo a c-section due to my vasa previa. 

However, here recently, curiosity got the better of me and I looked up what different medical sites were saying about everything involved in a c-section.  OMG! It was enlightening to say the least.  I did start to feel a bit more nervous about it which is never a good thing.  How could a third or more women in the United States prefer to undergo major abdominal surgery with a recovery time of anywhere between 4 to 8 weeks depending on the individual and where you're doing your research at?  This just did not make sense to me.  I say this keeping in mind that I inadvertently gave birth the first time around pretty much naturally (no epidural/spinal tap and only enough pain medication to take the edge off until after the birth itself).

I posted that question as a status update shortly thereafter. One of my cousins was the only one to really respond with a bit of a warning about not laughing and heaven help me if I sneezed (or something to that effect) in the first few weeks of recovery because the pain/sensation was a very unique experience.  SO not helping me at that point. Gratefully, I have a dear friend, ex-classmate and co-worker that just gave birth to a lovely daughter by c-section who was generous enough to share her experience with me and give a couple of pointers on how to deal with this surgery.  Some of what she has said contradicts what I've read in a few places. However, I trust first hand experience(s) over something I read somewhere most times.

So for now I'm back to waiting for the results from my glucose test today, my specialist appointment on Tuesday and maybe a word from my boss about next school year.  There are a few things I would like to try to do before I'm hospitalized for this ordeal, but other than that I look forward to enjoying time with friends and family while traveling down Life's Path. 

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